Tag Archives: Pets

Festive girl power



Sarah, Jan and I enjoyed a lovely walk at Beaver Lake today with our girls — as you can see above, they were all sporting festive necklace-collars (purchased at a local Dollarama) so we had plenty of nice comments as we met up with other walkers and their pets. Quite a few people also wondered what Tarka was wearing around her head, and in case you are wondering, it is a special bandage to keep her from scratching her ear (where she had a little “cosmetic surgery” to remove a wart). It does look kind of funny, but Tarka is such a good sport and just kept on truckin’ (although she did have to stay on leash) with Sarah stopping once in a while to straighten it on her head. You will see from the photo below that, in fact, she did have one ear free of the bandage. Hey, she just looked like she had some sort of crazy headband on (a la Lillian VanderZalm! — do any of you remember her?!) — you are such a funny girl, Tarka!


Three amigos in Centennial Park


Three amigos in Centennial Park

Actually, there were four amigos (6 if you count Bev and I)! Had a lovely walk yesterday through Centennial Park with Bev, Desi and Atticus (Cindy and Midge, too). That’s right–the mop you see in the foreground of the above photo is actually dear little Atticus, a dog Bev walks a few days a week. Hey, for once, Cindy is looking at me. Midge is nowhere to be seen, probably directly behind my heel where she usually is! Bev’s other dog, senor (I mean senior) Cosmo, was at home still snoozing away, even though it was approximately 11:30 am. Hey, senior dogs need their zzzzz’s! Isn’t Desi just the most handsome boy?!

So very true . . .



I came across this quote yesterday and it just rang so very true. Sarah and I were talking about dogs being such a joy this morning on our Beaver Lake walk–they truly give significant meaning to each present moment. Dogs really don’t have any bad parts, unless you want to count occasional muddy paws and sometimes jumping up on strangers, but at least that’s never intended to assault you or make away with your purse!

Poor Tarka hurt her paw this morning on the walk and we had to rescue her from a bank she had slipped down–as you can see below, she had recovered enough within fifteen minutes or so to give Charlie a good double-doggin’ dig for her money! See what I mean about dogs being silly and cute?!
